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Heads up Malaysia, the cops are launching a mass scale operation to catch Covid-19 standard operating procedures (SOP) violators beginning Friday (2 July).

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin explained that ‘Ops Patuh’ is a nationwide crackdown without compromise against parties found to break SOP and other guidelines under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342).

Ops Patuh will be a joint operation between multiple law enforcement agencies, including the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba), the Selangor Maritime Enforcement Agency (APMM) and others.

The op will focus monitoring on the manufacturing sector, restaurants and food outlets as well as businesses, distribution and retail premises in Covid-19 hotspots across the country.

Hamzah mentions that stern action will be taken against employers who defy SOPs by making staff who’ve been exposed to the virus continue to attend work without quarantine.

From the many arrests made in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, some workers told us that although their colleagues had contracted Covid-19, others were not quarantined. We have gathered all this information, and tomorrow we will arrest the employers as well because they have not only committed offences but also have been cruel to their workers.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainudin via Berita Harian

Hamzah said that enforcement will be coordinated by district police chiefs (OCPD) and involve drastic strategies to tightly control and widely observe SOP compliance with the deployment of assets such as helicopters, drones and mobile roadblocks.

He also mentioned that the government’s Covid-19 Movement Control Order SOP Compliance and Enforcement Coordination Committee (JKPS) have set key performance indicators (KPI) to ensure the effectiveness of the op, but there were no official mentions on what those KPIs actually are besides law enforcement having to post videos of their work online.

“The OCPDs will come out with their own Facebook, other media platforms to give live reports to us … so the whole country can see it tomorrow,” said the minister in a quote by The Sun.

These live reports have been seen popping up on social media throughout the day with videos showing enforcement officers conducting spot checks at businesses and industrial centres across the country as well as raiding factories and other places identified to have violated Covid-19 SOPs.

In the last two weeks, Malaysia had recorded over 70,000 new Covid-19 infections.

The state of Selangor remains the epicenter of the pandemic – having recorded a total of 29,047 positive cases between 18 June to 1 July.