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Malaysian animal lovers got upset over the trend of spray-painted “rainbow pigeons” that were bought and sold as pets in Kelantan.

The issue was brought to light by local veterinarian Salehatul Khuzaimah Mohamad Ali on social media, who conveyed her concerns that the methods used to create the novelty pets were a danger to the avian animals.

“Did you know? Any strong scents, in this case, the smell of spray paint is really strong wehhh, it’s dangerous to the birds!” wrote the veterinarian, commenting on news coverage about the trend.

Apparently, an entrepreneur in Kampung Kepulau was said to be selling the birds as a means to make ends meet, and the colourful birds were notably among his bestsellers.

“We might not know of the damage that happens (to the birds) internally. Maybe they don’t die immediately, but what about the internal damage that happens?” continued Salehatul in her post.

She says that the trend would not have become so popular if there wasn’t a demand from customers wanting such pets.

Salehatul further explains that she merely wants to educate the public and create awareness on the issue, not judge the people who were selling the animals.

“This post is meant to educate our society, this is wrong. Please do not support this kind of thing. ‪But please, we are here not to judge this uncle. Let’s create awareness so that this kind of thing will not happen again.”

Salehatul’s concerns resonated with other animal lovers on the internet who were also bothered by the trend.

Commenters generally expressed their worries over the trend and saw it as a form of animal abuse.

Others draw parallels to the trend with other colourful pet fads like artificially coloured fish and chicken chicks.

“Believe it or not, this is more common in fish keeping. Some people may have encountered it. These guys, the Parambassis ranga fish, are dipped in colouring. During our youth, it was easily available at fish stores, now it’s more uncommon.” wrote one commenter.

“Back then, these chickens were everywhere at the night market,” another commented.

Meanwhile, others stressed the importance of education and how it’s crucial for everyone to spread awareness on the issue.

The rainbow pigeon trend was crafted by a roadside bird seller in Kelantan as a means to attract customers.

It’s reported that the seller sprays the birds with car paint to make them appear in brighter colours.

The seller had explained that the paint he uses weren’t harming the birds because it only stays on temporarily and that he takes care not to put the animals in any danger – covering the bird’s eyes with tape as he sprays ’em.

Before spraying the paint, I will cover the bird’s eye area to make sure the sprayed paint only sticks to the desired part. The paint used is also not harmful because it is not permanent and only lasts five to six months or until new hair grows.

via Sinar Harian

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