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The ministers at the National Action Council on Cost of Living (NACCOL) were criticised for being tone-deaf and hypocrites after a video announcing special chicken prices was released on 31 January.

In the video, it was announced that the price of standard chickens will be dropped by 20 sen, from RM9.10 to RM8.90.

As soon as the video was posted, angry netizens zeroed in on the expensive bottles of water, Evian, served in the meeting room while the ministers decide the measly price cut.

READ MORE: “20 Sen Je?” Malaysians Unhappy With PMO’s Fancy New Chicken Price Video

Not long after the Evian water fiasco, Bernama posted on Twitter some new photos from a TVET-coordinating (technical and vocational education and training) body meeting involving the prime minister and several ministers.

This time, netizens were amused to see the ministers covering up the mineral water bottles with napkins.

Judging by the green caps, they’re not served Evian water but have decided to cover up the bottles anyway.

Netizens tried to guess which mineral water the ministers were served. Answers ranged from Spritzer to the French-produced Volvic water.

Judging by the width of the cap from the side, a netizen was confident that it was F&N’s Ice Mountain.

The conclusion was further cemented after comparisons with Volvic which has a dark green cap and Spritzer which has a thicker cap.

A few netizens said it’s too late to cover up and doing so only showed that they really have something to hide. Also, who gets the leftover Evian?

Aside from guessing the brand of mineral water being served, some netizens pointed out that the act of covering the mineral water bottles showed that the government knows what the rakyat is saying.

Despite knowing, they chose not to do anything to help the rakyat.

Another person said it’s amusing to see Malaysians scrutinizing the items on the meeting table instead of the content of the meeting.

In response, another netizen said it was because the meeting wasn’t going to be productive anyway.

If anything, it could be another sign that the rakyat is increasingly tired of the political shenanigans in the country and is using humour to cope with the situation.

‘Rich’ people lost the point

A few people argued that the rakyat got mad at the ministers for no reason because it was just drinking water.

Nedim Nazri, the son of Padang Rengas MP Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz, criticised netizens who took issue with the brand of mineral water.

He also questioned whether these netizens are the future leaders Malaysians want.

Meanwhile, local actress Tiz Zaqyah wondered whether drinking Evian water is wrong and said people should focus on more important issues.

She also compared the issue to people who buy Starbucks drinks instead of drinking cheaper options like Nescafe or Milo.

A netizen explained that it’s called ‘political optics’ and what the ministers did was tone-deaf.

He also pointed out that the price of one Evian mineral water is just about the price of 1kg of chicken.

Another netizen added that people who splurge on expensive drinks like Starbucks are using their own money while the ministers spend the taxpayers’ money.

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