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There has always been some contention when it comes to learning and using English in school examinations.

One of the reasons was that some students found it hard to master the English language due to the lack of opportunities to practice speaking it at home.

However, a recent post that went viral pointed to another important reason why students found it hard to do well in the English subject.

The post showed an English exercise book that was incorrectly marked by a teacher which was dated January 2020.

Although it seemed like an old post, netizens brought up the issue of the standard of English that was being taught in schools.

They said a lot of English teachers in schools have no qualifications or experience to teach the subject but were forced to do so due to lack of staff in schools.

In other words, the education system was to blame for diminishing the education quality in schools.

Despite this, some said the teachers still have no excuse to make simple grammatical errors like these.

A netizen explained that there was no need for a qualified background to teach basic English because the root words are commonly used.

Another netizen added that it was still the teacher’s responsibility to brush up on their language skills because the responsibility to teach has fallen on them.

Netizens said the teachers could have done quick revisions by using resources online such as Youtube videos.

On the other hand, a few netizens think the exercise book has been doctored by someone who just wanted the post to go viral.

They pointed out that the teacher had marked the correct questions with a tick except for the second question. They believe the corrections with the wrong words were added in later to create a viral post.

Nevertheless, the post has sparked a discussion online and was another reminder that the Malaysian school system still needed a lot of fixing.

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