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Kuan Chee Heng, more popularly known as Uncle Kentang, is known for his philanthropy efforts. He got his nickname because he was popular for donating potatoes instead of rice to the needy.

His other efforts to help the community include providing free or 10 sen services such as funeral van service, ambulance service, market and tuition classes.

The good news is Uncle Kentang’s services will be much more accessible soon, thanks to Prasarana.

Prasarana has decided to help Uncle Kentang’s efforts to help the community by offering one of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) spaces in one of its LRT stations for Uncle Kentang to set up a 10 sen shop.

Uncle Kentang thanked Prasarana on Facebook and shared that he’ll visit the site on 9 February. Hopefully, everything goes well and the shop will be open for business soon enough.

While the actual site of the shop hasn’t been revealed yet, Uncle Kentang shared how the public can chip in and help too.

Uncle Kentang encouraged the public to donate used or unwanted items and necessities to the shop so that the underprivileged community can buy them for 10 sen.

He’ll also be creating job opportunities by employing partners to man the shop. He ended his Facebook post on an inspiring note.

Welcome to a year of tiger where more initiatives will be put forth.

Uncle Kentang wrote on his Facebook post.

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