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Malaysians like to bend the rules whenever they can, so it’s not a surprise to find one of them trying to evade paying a parking fee in Singapore.

As reported by Mothership, a rider of a Malaysia-registered motorcycle was trying to exit a multi-storey car park without paying by tailgating a car on 2 February 2022.

The whole incident was recorded on the dashcam of the car in front of the motorcycle.

The motorcyclist didn’t move quick enough past the gantry so the exit gantry arm smacked his female pillion rider on her head.

In order to exit, the female passenger had to dismount from the motorcycle and walk around the gantry arm.

The rider appeared to be embarrassed and laughed because he still got free parking despite the minor accident.

Netizens wondered whether the car park operator would take action on the motorcyclist for evading a parking fee.

They also asked the matter to be reported to the Housing & Development Board (HDB).

Others think it’s an embarrassing act and some of them pointed out that the parking fee was low enough.

He could face a fine

HDB had introduced stiffer fines on 1 July 2019 to deter parking offences.

It’s an offence for motorists to evade payment of parking charges by tailgating other vehicles or bypassing car park gantries.

Motorcycles, cars and heavy vehicles can face a fine of S$25 (RM78), S$50 (RM155) and S$80 (RM249) respectively if caught.

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