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So did a bunch of Malaysians get stuck in the middle of a plantation because they were trying to avoid the heavy traffic balik kampung rush?

A video has been making its rounds on social media showing several cars stranded off road in the middle of a plantation.

The accompanying caption within the video, while it does not mention the exact location, is written in northern slang Malay.

Amik hang, awat hampa nak ikut sangat jalan short cut.. tu la haaa… satu masuk yang lain pun ikut masuk… pandai2 la hampa cari jalan kluaq… selamat hari raya semua.

TikTok account @ez_farhan3535

In the comment section, while most made funny observations, it was evident that some people assumed the incident took place here in Malaysia.

So did it happen here?

While the story of the drivers being stranded in the middle of the plantation because they were trying to avoid heavy traffic is true, the location is actually in Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

According to Indonesia’s Tribun Lampung Official, several cars ended up in the middle of a cassava plantation in the Ciambar subdistrict of Sukabumi in Jawa Barat recently.

The group of drivers was said to have ended up there as they embarked on a short cut to avoid heavy traffic following a road closure between Sukabumi and Bogor.

There was a six-hour long traffic jam on the road which was caused by an accident involving a tanker carrying soy sauce and a truck carrying sand on the Cibadak highway near the Cipamuruyan Bridge.

Tribun Lampung quoted a delivery man who was among those who ended up in the cassava plantation as saying that he opted to take the short cut as he had a delivery to make in Sukabumi.

I took a short cut through Parungkuda and then came out in Desa Munjul of the Ciambar subdistrict in order to head to Nagrak.

Yuda Septian via Tribun Lampung Official

As they were passing through the casssava plantation however, some vehicles encountered problems due to the muddy road condition.

Based on checks, the video was uploaded on the Snack Video social media application before ending up on TikTok and eventually Twitter, without its original backstory.

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