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A 35-year-old Malaysian woman has decided to resign from her RM3700 job to become a cashier with a salary of only RM1500.

Despite the significant pay cut, she claims her quality of life and mental health have improved.

According to Malaysian Pay Gap, a local Instagram page sharing information on salaries, the woman anonymously shared her career switch story for various reasons.

She used to work as a project management assistant with a monthly salary of RM3700. Her job required her to be on call 24/7 and clients or anyone could contact her anytime.

Additionally, each project had tight deadlines that added to the stress.

Feeling overwhelmed and burnt out, she ultimately decided to resign for the sake of her mental and emotional well-being.

Money Can’t Buy Happiness

She then found a job as a cashier at a nearby supermarket, which pays only RM1500 per month but is within a 2-minute walk from her home.

Although she earns less now, she says her overall quality of life has improved significantly.

She no longer has to deal with the stress and pressure of her previous job and can enjoy her free time without worrying about being contacted by clients or meeting deadlines.

The woman’s story has resonated with many netizens, sparking discussions about the importance of work-life balance and personal fulfilment over material gain.

Some suggest taking a career break or switching to lower-paying jobs that are better for one’s health.

The Impact of Stress And Burnout On Overall Well-Being

In recent years, there has been increasing awareness and emphasis on the importance of work-life balance in Malaysia.

Work-life balance can be hard for Malaysians due to several factors.

One of the main reasons is the culture of long working hours and a “work-first” mentality that is prevalent in some industries or companies.

This can make it difficult for employees to prioritize their personal lives and take time off for leisure activities or family responsibilities.

In addition, commuting can also be a challenge in Malaysia, particularly in urban areas where traffic congestion is common.

Long commute times can add to employees’ work hours and reduce their time for personal activities.

Furthermore, the cost of living in Malaysia can also be a factor, especially for those struggling to make ends meet.

It can lead to employees working longer hours or taking on multiple jobs to support themselves and their families, making it difficult to achieve a work-life balance.

While it is true that having financial stability can make it easier to prioritize personal activities over work, work-life balance is achievable for people of all income levels with some sacrifices and a change of mindset.

It is possible for anyone willing to prioritize their well-being and set boundaries around their work commitments.

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