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In these current times, a babysitter has become a necessity when both husband and wife need to work to support their family.

Recently, a video posted by a babysitter on TikTok went viral and received many heart-warming responses.

In the video, the Malay babysitter shared her new experience of having to babysit an Indian child, who does not yet understand Bahasa Melayu, for the first time.

She stated in the video that the Indian family trusts her to take care of their child and she is enjoying taking care of the baby girl although there is a communication barrier between them as she does not understand Tamil and the child does not understand Bahasa Melayu.

The babysitter is known as Nur Suhana Salim and the kid is named Trishika.

As reported by Harian Metro, Nur Suhana said she had been babysitting three-year-old Trishika for four days and that the video had been released with the child’s parents’ consent.

Nur Suhana said that although she did not anticipate being trusted to look after Trishika, she did her best to do so.

Nur Suhana received a WhatsApp message from Trishika’s aunt with regard to hiring her as a nanny after two to three months she uploaded a message offering to be a babysitter.

She met with Trishika’s family to get to know each other before starting the job.

“They were very kind and trusted me, that made me confident to take that responsibility even though I was scared at the beginning,” she stated, as reported by Harian Metro.

Nur Suhana shared that she has 7 years of experience in being a babysitter, but mostly she only took care of Malay children.

Although she is taking care of an Indian child this time around, it does not matter to her as she loves children.

As stated above, there is still a communication barrier between her and Trishika as the baby girl is used to communicating in Tamil and English.

Therefore, she stated that she will learn Tamil just for the sake of the child. Trishika also follows whatever Nur Suhana says while she is conversing with her mother who stays together.

Both have bonded well in the short period of time. Trishika calls her sister and will not argue with her.

“She is not afraid of people, good at handling herself and very easy to take care of, so as long as I am trusted by her parents, I will continue to take care of Trishika.”

Her husband is fine with her taking on a babysitting gig as the couple have no children of their own and having Trishika around adds joy to their home.

Nur Suhana had no idea how many people would watch the video she posted on TikTok or how well it would be received.

Although she only shared the video to serve as memories for her, netizens gave positive feedback as they were mesmerized by Trishika.

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