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The Unity Government National Convention kicked off on 14 May 2023 at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur with leaders and representatives from 19 political parties converging in an effort to foster stronger cooperation.

According to reports, the convention started with the Unity Government National Women Convention and the Unity Government Pemuda Puteri National Convention, which were held simultaneously at 10am.

The itinerary included:

  • Bicara Rakyat, a forum to discuss the commitment to solve the people’s issues and the implementation of the people’s agenda in three sessions: Empowering the People’s Economy, Nation Building, and Malaysia Madani.
  • The highlight of the convention, themed ‘Madani: Mewajahi Masa Depan Malaysia,’ is a keynote address by the Unity Government Secretariat Chairman, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Previously, Anwar said the convention’s aim was to determine a common direction and course of action in the country’s administration, in addition to framing the same thinking and policy among the parties in the Unity Government.

Litterbugs in attendance

While the convention started off well enough, a few attendees have started to report on the litterbugs in the convention hall.

Twitter user Rahmat Amran (@rahmat_amran) posted a picture showing the mess left behind by attendees, comprised of politicians from various parties.

There were pamphlets, papers, and water bottles strewn all over the floor in the hall. No one seemed to bother picking the rubbish up.

Rahmat lamented that the “littering” habit was the same across the board whether it’s the old or new government, the current government or the Opposition parties.

He urged politicians and members of political parties to stop littering publicly.

In another Twitter post by Shahrizal Denci (@DenciShahrizal), the Malaysian flag and a few political party flags could also be seen on the floor along with the other papers and plastic wrappers.

Netizens agreed that the littering “culture” among Malaysians is terrible and wondered when Malaysians will start behaving like the Japanese. The Japanese people have been known to help pick up and clean up public areas even when they attend events abroad.

A netizen advised others to bring their own trash bag and the practice of disposing trash properly should start from home. Some wondered if it was that difficult to momentarily hold their own trash until they find a dustbin.

Meanwhile, another person said using QR codes to distribute pamphlets might be the best way to go in the future to reduce waste and prevent litter.

What irked a lot of people was seeing the Malaysian flag being left on the floor. They found the act disrespectful to the country. It was also ironic since the convention was part of the effort to rebuild Malaysia better.

The littering habit among Malaysians is not a new phenomenon and has been reoccurring despite all the public service announcements and education over the years.

Hopefully, the bad habit will be eradicated but the question is still how and when.

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