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Malaysians commemorated the first anniversary of the death of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh on 11 May.

Abu Akleh was a well-known figure in the Arab world and worked for Al Jazeera.

She was shot dead during an Israeli military operation in Jenin, a Palestinian city in the northern West Bank.

Her death sparked international protests.

To mark the anniversary of her death, a memorial event was held in Kuala Lumpur recently by the Malaysian office of Al Jazeera.

Malaysians keep the memory of Abu Akleh alive. (Pix: Fernando Fong)

Journalists, activists and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), including the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement, attended the event.

Al Jazeera bureau chief Samer Allawi said her murder and the murders of other Palestinian journalists in recent years have gone unpunished.

Al Jazeera bureau chief Samer Allawi speaking at the memorial event. (Pix: Fernando Fong)

He said Israeli authorities often invalidate evidence and witness testimony; military investigations can take months or years, and families of Palestinian journalists have few legal options in Israel.

Sameer added that despite failures, Shireen’s legacy had motivated many young women and men to work in similar sectors.

Dr Abdul Razak Ahmad, the Founding Director of the political development think tank Bait Al Amanah, said Malaysia had vocalised the Palestinian cause on the international stage.

He said Malaysia has consistently called for a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on a two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and security.

Bait Al Amanah Founding Director Dr Abdul Razak Ahmad speaking at the memorial event. (Pix: Fernando Fong)

Malaysia will continue with efforts to fight for the rights of the people of Palestine.

Bait Al Amanah Founding Director Dr Abdul Razak Ahmad.

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A BDS member expressing solidarity for Abu Akleh. (Pix: Fernando Fong)

Israeli Gunfire Probably Killed Journalist

The journalist was shot dead during an Israeli military operation in Jenin in the northern West Bank. 

An Israeli military investigation concluded that the shooting could not be linked, but it was “highly likely” that an Israeli soldier accidentally fired the shot.

Many people have expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people and their right to establish an independent state. (Pix: Fernando Fong)

There were also clashes with Palestinian fighters during the operation, but no criminal investigation was launched.

Al-Jazeera filed the case with the International Court of Justice in The Hague in December, accusing Israel of targeting the journalists and their colleagues.

A man wearing a shirt with a message which called for the Israel boycott. (Pix: Fernando Fong)

The broadcasting station said perpetrators must be held accountable and brought to justice.

The US also investigated the case but failed to reach a clear conclusion about the bullet that killed Abu Akleh.

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