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A 26-year-old woman from Kuching, Sarawak endured a traumatic experience recently when a 29-year-old man chased her car on his bike and kissed her car’s windshield.

The incident was captured on video and later shared on social media where it went viral.

It can be observed that the victim was not comfortable with his action as her voice seemed to be breaking at the end of the video.

The Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) has released a media statement on the incident.

According to acting Kuching district police chief Superintendent Merbin Anak Lisa, they received a complaint from the victim on 8 May.

On the same day, a team of police officers from the Criminal Investigation Department of the Kuching district police headquarters arrested the suspect at about 7pm at Jalan Kampung Rampangi.

His motorbike which was used during the incident was also confiscated by the police team.

Merbin said further investigation found that the suspect has two previous records.

It was also found that the suspect had a psychiatrist specialist treatment card from the Sarawak General Hospital and is still undergoing follow-up treatment there.

An investigation paper has been opened under Section 509 of the Penal Code and Section 28 Of the Sarawak Minor Offences Ordinance 1957 which carries a punishment of up to five years in prison or a fine or both, if convicted.

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