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Police have arrested two Singaporean brothers believed to be involved in abusing and sexually assaulting tahfiz students in Tanjung Minyak, Melaka.

According to Buletin TV3, the 40-year-old tahfiz centre founder and his brother, a 36-year-old hostel warden, would be remanded until 16 May 2023.

Melaka police chief Zainol Samah said six students at the centre aged between 13 and 15 lodged reports at the Batang Tiga police station between 6.29pm and 9.13pm on Thursday.

Three of the students were forced to perform oral sex on the first suspect, while the rest claimed that they were physically abused by the hostel warden.

The hostel warden allegedly slapped, punched, stepped on, and whipped them with a rotan for not cleaning the centre on time.

According to Malaysiakini, the incidents were said to have happened at the Tanjung Minyak and Alor Gajah centres, and a condominium in Klebang several times. Victims claimed the last time it happened was on 7 May.

Initial investigations revealed that the tahfiz founder has a previous criminal record for committing physical sexual abuse and sodomy in 2019.

The case is being investigated under Section 14(a) of the Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 and Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001.

Zainol said the tahfiz centre will still be operating as usual.

The news worried some netizens online who questioned children’s safety in the affected tahfiz school with some calling for these centres to be regulated by the respective state religious authorities.

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