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Dating, especially online dating, is definitely not as easy as most people make it out to be (We’re looking at you, Boomers).
Back in the day, perhaps during your parents or even grandparents’ time, going out with someone you’ve never met before was unheard of.
Meeting a stranger on the internet, and then going on a date with them was even scarier.
Especially given the chance that they could be an axe murderer or a serial killer?
So how do you stay safe online while enjoying the perks of what online dating can offer?
Here are some of the dos and don’ts while surfing the net for your next beau.

Starting with the don’ts, most definitely do not:
1. Don’t Give Out Too Much Personal Information
While dating apps have a certain degree of anonymity, some people tend to forget that certain information, even ones that are as innocent as giving out your full name, can come to bite you in the butt.
These are some information that you should avoid giving out so soon, starting with your full name, your social media accounts, your phone number and most definitely your home and work address.
These are things that can be used to find you in the real world.
2. Look Into Their Background
As they always say, you can never be too safe. Say you already talked to them, and decided to meet in person — a little digging into their background can’t hurt.
Just to make sure there’s nothing you need to worry about, like disturbing images on their socials, an alliance with hate groups, or even a criminal record.
The easiest way to do this is to do a quick Google search for their name, and maybe do a wee bit of a deep dive on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and go over posts from the past few weeks, nothing too invasive — just covering your bases.
If you can’t find any information about them online, try a reverse image search to see what comes up.

3. Always Meet in Public and Share Your Location
Always always meet in public settings when meeting a new person you’ve met online.
This might sound obvious, but since you’re meeting a stranger for the first time, make sure that you’re not alone with them until you feel absolutely comfortable.
To make matters even safer, tell a friend or a family member where you plan to go, and even share your location on your phone if possible.
Now on to the do’s.
1. Keep An Open Mind
If you are planning to find one but are a tad bit worried about trying out online dating, you should remember that the only way you and Mr or Mrs Right will be able to connect is if you both have an open mind.
In this era, while it is common for people to find their other halves through the internet, there are many who get shamed for trying.
Nevertheless, keep the naysayers at bay and keep in mind that you are exposing yourself to meeting some really cool people you may not meet otherwise.
2. Have A Catchy Profile
Remember, when it comes to online dating, you are technically “selling” yourself and the best way to do it would be by having a catchy profile.
Write jokes and silly punchlines or maybe give them a riddle or two that may pique their interest when they come across your profile.
Without chatting you up, you want to give those viewing your profile as much insight into your personality as possible.
Also, having a good opening line may just help you reel in more fish from the sea of lovers as you may think.
Try reading the person’s profile and reference something specific to them in your first message.
This shows that you paid attention to their profile and aren’t just sending the same message to everyone.

3. And Lastly, Be Yourself
Always stay true to yourself with your online profile and when talking to matches.
You might end up meeting these people in person and, if your online self is totally different from your real-life self, it might create some problems.
Try to be as much as yourself as you can and remember, if it doesn’t work out with that one person, there are probably several others waiting for someone like you.
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