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A duo believed to be pharmaceutical students from the PICOMS International University College (PICOMS) triggered outrage online with a TikTok video they made that netizens deemed to be unethical.

The seven-second clip had a duo dressed in lab coats making a short dance number and supposedly conveying their disapproval of unmarried couples purchasing emergency contraceptive (EC) medication or morning-after pills.

Netizens accused the duo of being unprofessional and going against the Hippocratic Oath taken by medical practitioners.

Commenters described that medical practitioners should not be judgmental and refuse patients seeking medical treatment or advice.

The All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) also stepped in with a statement saying that pharmacists should not stigmatize patients seeking contraceptive access as it is a basic human right.

Several medical practitioners also took time to explain that there are other uses for EC medication other than to prevent pregnancies.

Additionally, it appears that some netizens even took it upon themselves to report and complain about the students’ behaviour directly to PICOMS.

(Credit: versaceboujee via TikTok)

EC is a birth control measure used after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) EC can prevent over 95% of pregnancies when taken within five days after intercourse.

It can be used in cases or situations of unprotected sex, concerns about possible contraceptive failure and incorrect use of contraceptives (like when someone incorrectly uses a condom or if the condom breaks) as well as in cases of sexual assaults.

The medication can work to prevent pregnancies by stopping or delaying female ovulation.

ECs DOES NOT induce abortion and cannot interrupt an established pregnancy or harm a developing embryo.

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