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The Port Dickson District Police Headquarters has released a media statement on a viral video of a woman blocking a Proton Wira at Batu 1, Port Dickson traffic light which has gone viral on social media platforms.

The woman has been asked by the police (PDRM) to come forth to the Port Dickson District Police Headquarters to make a report on the matter.
According to Port Dickson Deputy District Police Chief Deputy Superintendent Muhamad Mustafah Hussin, police are aware of the 33-second video clip that shows a woman attempting to block a vehicle that was at the traffic signal intersection at 9.43am on Wednesday.
tak tahu apa yang berlaku, hope dipermudahkan segala urusan akak tu
— ًِ (@bckupacc99) April 23, 2023
Mustafah also stated that the woman’s action not only endangered herself but also worried the public.
As of now, the police have not received any reports on the incident or the individual involved in the incident.
Mustafah also urged the people to not share the video anymore as such an act is deemed as an offence under Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.
Netizens meanwhile found the incident funny but agreed it was dangerous.
Tak tahulah apa yg berlaku, if akak tu ada buat salah. Suami jgn laa buat mcm tu, bawak je masuk kereta sbb akak tu dh tahan kat depan kan. Bahaya tu, lepastu pergilah berbincang dekat tempat yg lebih selamat. Kalau taknak bincang, haaa tinggalkan kat tmpt yg lebih selamat jugak.
— Modern Scarf Batu Pahat 🧕🏼 (@liyanikekaboo) April 24, 2023
Baca komen rata rata buat lawak. Sorry tapi aku tak rasa benda ni lawak. Apa la yang berlaku agaknya sampai akak tu bahayakan nyawa sendiri.. Not worth it la kak.. jangan la buat macam ni lagi kak..
— Depphead (@aaadriannnnnn) April 24, 2023
Some even used the opportunity to make jokes about it.
Biasa org tolak kete rosak.. yg ni tarik
— Syah222 (@syah222218) April 23, 2023
Betul la nama job 'tarik kereta' tapi bukan macam tu kaedahnya.
— Mohd Arif Juhani (@ArifJuhani) April 23, 2023
Nonetheless, the real story of the incident has yet to come to light, and perhaps only will if the woman appears and makes an official report about it.