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Actor Aaron Aziz has come under fire following a TikTok live video in which a python was seen placed on a cage that had cats in it.

The Malaysian Animal Association (MAA) condemned the act in an Instagram post, adding a stern reminder for the actor at the end.

MAA said the act of placing a python near a cat even if the cat is caged can cause extreme fear for the prey animal as the snake is a predator.

As a result, the cat will experience extreme stress and trauma as they feel threatened when they see and smell enemies nearby.

Additionally, MAA said:

Aaron Aziz may not understand that Malaysia has an Animal Welfare Act 2015 supervised by @lembagakebajikanhaiwan @dvsmalaysia_official which protects domestic animals such as cats from being exposed to danger as contained in the 5 Elements of Animal Welfare which is to avoid pets from danger and extreme fear.

Malaysian Animal Association (MAA)

They also added that the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 overseen by @perhilitan_malaysia also outlines that anyone who wants to own a wild animal such as a python needs to have a license including those who intend to hold public performances or screenings either on the streets or on social media.

All animal laws drafted in Malaysia are to ensure the safety, welfare and life of animals, whether domestic or wild, are preserved in accordance with the civilization of the country which is headed towards the progress of a first-class mind.

Malaysian Animal Association (MAA)

They added:

We advise @aarondwiaziz to be more sensitive in handling his social media when it comes to domestic animals and wild animals. We also hope that things like this will not happen again.

Malaysian Animal Association (MAA)

Responding to the online criticism on Instagram, Aaron called the incident a misunderstanding as he had checked with the snake’s handler if it would be alright to introduce the cats to the snake.

I asked the licensed snake handler many times for his opinion on introducing the two animals and he informed me that it should not cause the cats any fear as the snake only eats rabbits and other smaller prey animals.

Aaron Aziz

He added that even with the reassurance, he never took his eyes off the cats and instead had the whole team keeping their eyes out for any signs of distress from the cats while the snake lay on top of the cage.

He also noted that there were a total of 11 people present to ensure that the wellbeing of the cats and the snakes were taken care of as well.

I have nine cats and I am a cat lover. There is no way that I would do anything to hurt cats in any way shape or form.

Aaron Aziz

Nevertheless, a reminder to everyone out there, please be more mindful of your pet’s feelings.

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