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Games have seen much evolution, from physical to virtual, even a combination of both.

Bomb Battle is Asia’s first and only immersive video gaming experience with the biggest paint blast promising to take enjoyment to a whole new level and it is now here at Berjaya Times Square.

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Launched by concept and game creator Mission Group Ltd in Malaysia, it has five completely immersive arcade games with inspirations drawn from action movies, game shows, escape games, and esports to provide a multiplayer real-life video game experience.

This high-tech game challenges participants to put their talents to the test by defusing a ticking paint bomb within 75 minutes. Failure to do so causes a colourful explosion as players become covered in paint.

According to Datin Sheehan Tee the Founder and CEO of Mission Group Limited, Bomb Battle is a perfect blend of excitement, intelligence, and skill, allowing one to spend quality time with loved ones.

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The game features five unique rooms, each with three levels of difficulty, catering to players of all skill levels. We designed it to ensure that players are fully immersed in a real-life arcade game, creating an electrifying experience that they will never forget

Datin Sheehan Tee the Founder and CEO of Mission Group Limited

She also stated that there will a be league competition which will begin in the middle of this year.

According to Azmi Abdullah, Director for Central Region Tourism Malaysia, Bomb Battle is a wonderful addition to the nation’s tourism industry. 

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……. YAB Prime Minister, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim has announced during the budget which was tabled recently that the next Visit Malaysia Year will be held in 2025. That’s about 1.5 years from now. Therefore, the timing of the opening of Bomb Battle is absolutely ideal and it is a great addition to the country’s tourism product.

Tuan Azmi Abdullah, Director for Central Region Tourism Malaysia

Blast Off

We had the opportunity to experience the game during the launch. Bomb Battle is a multiplayer game with 4 people needed in a team.

Before entering the game room, players are given a full body hazmat suit and plastic covers.

Once players are suited up, a briefing is given to the players. With 5 games, the final one is where the team is supposed to diffuse the bomb and failing to do so, the team will get blasted with the paint. 

Pics by Keran Raj Harideran/TRP

However, before reaching there the team has to complete 4 missions and gather as many points as they can from each of the missions. This is crucial as the points will determine how long a team has to diffuse the bomb in the final mission..

Each mission is 15 minutes long. The missions are known as Power Grid, Laser Maze, Melody Hack and Decrypt It. 

Power Grid

Pics by Keran Raj Harideran/TRP

This is the first mission that the players will face. As soon as you enter the room, there will be 4 monitors at each corner of the room. Players need to connect the colour dots on the screen.

Laser Maze

Pics by Keran Raj Harideran/TRP

In this game, players need to hit buttons that light up simultaneously to complete the mission. 

The catch of this mission is the name itself. Players need to travel from one end to another in the given time to press all the buttons at once, however they have to pass through the laser maze in the middle without it touching their body. 

Melody Hack

Pics by Keran Raj Harideran/TRP

As its name suggests, Melody Hack requires players to have good hearing and a good memory. They need to recreate a tune that was played and is considered a hard level especially for those who are not musically inclined.

Decrypt It

Pics by Keran Raj Harideran/TRP

This is the last mission of the game before the players are sent to diffuse the bomb. In this mission, again there will be 4 screens around the room with jumbled up numbers. 

The players need to click the numbers in order to go from 1 to 100. The catch is that the numbers will be jumbled up in each screen. 

Players need to communicate and be fast in order to complete the mission. Once the players reach 100, they have to do the same process again till 200. 

However, this time the points will be doubled. 

Circuit Cracker

Pics by Keran Raj Harideran/TRP

This is the final stage of the mission where players will have to diffuse the bomb or get blasted by paint. 

The players will each be given a pump which will be connected to the screen in front of them. To diffuse the bomb, they have to direct the current to the green points. If they direct it to the red points, then the countdown will become faster. 

The pincher works as a rotation device, reverse rotation device and stop button. Each of these plays a vital role in helping the players to diffuse the bomb. 

The countdown to diffuse the bomb depends on the points that the players have gathered from the four previous missions. 

However, the fun of Bomb Battle is actually being blasted with the paint. The players are given head gear and asked to cover themselves fully with the hazmat suit which is given before being blasted by the paint.

There will be a GoPro set in front of them to capture the moment. 

Pics by Keran Raj Harideran/TRP


There are two packages for Bomb Battle known as Bomb Mission and VIP Package. In the Vip Package, the players will receive 1 Haus Bomb welcome drink and limited-edition Bomber’s Season T-shirt.

For off-peak hours Monday to Friday before 5pm, tickets are priced at RM89 per pax for Bomb Mission and RM109 per pax for VIP package.

For peak hours Monday to Friday after 5pm, weekends and during public holidays, tickets are RM99 per pax for Bomb Mission and RM119 per pax for VIP package.

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