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Anniversaries are for couples to celebrate a milestone and bask in the glory of surviving yet another year, together. Many have their own ways to commemorate their anniversary, from dinners at fancy restaurants to vacations overseas.

Recently a couple shared how they celebrated their anniversary in a way that is out of the box.

The wife, @SueKz93 said on Twitter that they opted to spend their anniversary by cleaning up a beach.

This started in 2020 and they have been doing it since on their anniversaries and birthdays.

They have this tool which looks handmade. The device is made of a stick attached to two plastic tires.

On top of the tires lies a basket which looks like it was made from plastic netting. With this device, the couple just have to drag it on the beach and the basket separates the sand form the rubbish.

The rubbish is collected in a recycled bag. While some of the items are discarded, they have found things to keep such as shells and coconuts.

Her post earned many positive responses.

The world needs more people like this couple to spread love and awareness on saving our environment.

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