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For many of us, animals, especially pets such as dogs, are not just pets but also a source of comfort, joy, and companionship.

Besides that, several studies have also found that interacting with animals has shown to decrease levels of cortisol — a stress-related hormone– and lower blood pressure. 

Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood.

Two years ago, Alicia Ung opened up a dog cafe in London and called it Pawsitive Cafe with a mission to promote mental health awareness and to also create a safe space for those struggling with mental health issues.

According to an Instagram post by @myforeverdoggo, the idea came to Ung after being with her dog Domino, who helped her overcome her mental health challenges.

Speaking to Newsweek, Ung noted that having her dogs around gave her so much happiness especially after a stressful day.

Whenever I came home from school feeling stressed, they would comfort me. Playing with them made me happy. The only way I could describe it is that I felt pure joy in their presence; I never felt alone.

Alicia Ung, Owner of Pawsitive Cafe

According to Ung, her mental health issues started when she first moved to London, England back in 2014 to study business in college. 

I was an international student, I didn’t have any friends or family around me, and I couldn’t speak English well. That’s when I began having anxiety attacks; I felt very lonely, became homesick, and developed depression.

Alicia Ung, Owner of Pawsitive Cafe

At the time, she added that she did not have any of her dogs with her and that made things difficult for her.

I had asked my dad if I could have a dog in London but he was against the idea, as we did not know if I was going to stay in the U.K. or go back to Malaysia after college.

Alicia Ung, Owner of Pawsitive Cafe

Following a few sessions with counsellors and noticing that many people were becoming more and more open about their mental health struggles online, Ung came up with the idea of Pawsitive Cafe in 2021.

So far, we have facilitated painting classes, pumpkin carving, and gingerbread making. Our aim in putting on these activities is to help those who are anxious to be present while giving them a sense of community. 

Alicia Ung, Owner of Pawsitive Cafe

Ung also added that patrons of the cafe can not only enjoy the company of dogs but also treat their furry friends to a special dog-tailored menu. 

Domino is there every day for a few hours, and he, along with several other dogs, have changed some of our customers’ lives.

Alicia Ung, Owner of Pawsitive Cafe

To those who want to visit London anytime soon or if you are just curious, you can find out more about Pawsitive Cafe here.

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